Pest types

Common Pest Types

By January 10, 2019 No Comments

Common Pest Types

A pest is a plant or animal which causes a lot of damage to both animals, human beings and plants. They may cause diseases or even death to animals, plants or human beings. There are many types of pests classified according to their bodily features and their feeding habits.

Types of pests
They are found in areas with open septic tanks, animal feces, lawn clippings, open leach drains, dirty benches, and tables, and under eaves. There are many types of flies.  The housefly, the blow fly, and the bush fly are the most  common types.

Flies carry germs on their hairy bodies, stomachs, and their legs. In case they land on food or utensils, the germs are spread. If these utensils are used or the food is eaten, it may cause one to be sick.

Bacterial diseases caused by the flies may include trachoma, shigellosis, and salmonellosis. A viral disease caused by the fly is hepatitis A. if you have any open wounds, flies can land on them which can lead to infections.

Bush flies can lead to trachoma. This type of fly is mostly attracted by any moisture around our eyes especially the salt in the tears. As they move from one personís eyes to the next, they may spread this disease. The house fly can also be attracted by the moisture in our eyes and pass infections like pus eyes from one person to another.

There are many types of cockroaches. The most popular types include; the American cockroach, the Australian cockroach, and the German cockroach. The German cockroach is the smallest and the most common species inside buildings. They are 12-15 mm and are to be found in food handling areas like the storerooms and kitchens. They cannot fly and mostly prefer areas near food, warmth, and moisture.

The Australian cockroach is larger than the German cockroach at 30-35 inches in length. It has a dark brown color and has yellow markings on the front wings and head. This type of cockroach unlike the German cockroach is to be found outdoors and prefers plant food. It is to be found among woodpiles and under the bark of trees.

The American cockroach is the largest cockroach measuring 30-45mm in length. It is red-brown in color and has a pale yellow border around the head. It can fly and prefers warm and moist conditions. It is very common in rubbish dumps, sewers, and drains.

Cockroaches carry germs on their bodies. They pick germs from rubbish pits and other filthy areas. They then walk over kitchen utensils and food and cause these germs to spread to these surfaces. When a person uses any of the germ infected utensils or eats germ infested food, they become sick.

Similar to a fly, the mosquito has a mouth known as a proboscis. The only difference is that the mosquito has a needle-sharp proboscis it uses o pierce the skin. The mosquitoes pierce animal and people skin to suck blood. This process may lead to transmission of disease if the mosquito has previously sucked blood from an infected person or animal.

Unlike the cockroach and flies, mosquitoes do not carry any germs in their bodies. Their itchy bites irritate people. If you scratch the mosquito bites, your skin can easily break and you have high chances of getting secondary infections.

Before a female mosquito lays eggs, she must take blood. Therefore, the female mosquito has to suck blood through its proboscis. If a mosquito sucks blood from an infected animal or person, the virus will grow inside the mosquito. If it goes on to bite another person, they will spread the virus and the process of infection  continues this way.

Mosquitoes cause different diseases depending on where they breed. Ross river virus disease is caused by mosquitoes breeding in marshes and poorly maintained sewage systems. Murray valley encephalitis breed in swamps  and containers such as drums and old tires. Other diseases caused in a similar environment may include Dengue fever, Kunjin virus disease, and Barmah forest virus disease.

This group includes rats and mice. They live in unhygienic places like sewages and rubbish pits. They may carry disease-causing germs from these places to the kitchen or food causing many diseases. Their urine or feces is also very dangerous in case they come into contact either with food or kitchen utensils. They may also pass the germs to the household pests which later pass it to humans.

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