The first thing that our team will do is to gage the level of severity relating to your infestation. We’ll then be able to strategize the most effective method in which to control any birds present and if we can avoid trapping and killing them – we will certainly do so. The priority is to rid your property of their presence and unlike smaller pests like insects and rodents, birds are far more likely to nest elsewhere if they are encouraged to do so.
The rest of the challenge relates to ensuring that they are kept away from your home in the future – and fortunately this is something that we prioritize. From blocking entry to particular locations all the way to introducing deterrents, we can ensure that your roof or any area suffering with a bird invasion will remain clean and clear all year round.
All that’s left is for you to give us a call or send us an email to book our services! Our team are always happy to help and we’d love to hear from you today.